Saturday, December 8, 2007

Lights lead to Adventures

Today was quite an adventure for me. My mom and I were running all over the place getting Christmas lights and extension cords. What a mess! We were going back and forth all day. We were going to get blue lights, and somehow they ended out of the cart and we never bought them(I am suspecting my mom took them out by accident). So then, we went to the Ace Hardware close to our house, and then we bought the lights there.
We started to put everything around the tree including the ornaments, and all the little nick knacks. On top of it, we had a smaller tree to decorate, and the whole process took the whole day. I don't even want to imagine what it will be like putting them back in the boxes at the end of Christmas! My mom and I were both snapping at each other because we were both tired, and everything was a disaster.
Do all families go through this? Does your family? Don't be shy, leave a comment! I would love to hear your Christmas tale of adventure! :)

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